How To Use An Auto Clicker For Dog Training

how to use an auto clicker

So, you want to know How To Use An Auto Clicker for dog training. Clicker training has been around for years but not everyone is familiar with it. The main reason for this is that the sound of a click can be annoying for a dog which makes it difficult for them to learn. This article will show you how to use an auto clicker for dog training.


Clicker training is where a clicking sound is made and then the next thing the dog hears is an unpleasant sound like a hiss. It seems as though the clicker has given the dog a shock and taught them to stop barking. They will soon associate the sound with the unpleasant experience and will stop barking. To use this method effectively, you should try and use the clicker when your dog is at the peak of their barking spree. I recommend that you use a spray bottle instead of the clicker as the bottle makes the sound more pleasing to the dog and it is less likely to irritate them.


One of the most common mistakes dog owners make when using clickers for dog training is that they mistake a bark for a click. They rush in the moment and click the dog, thinking that this means the dog has learned what the click means. The truth is that a dog does not always know what the sound means. It is important that you use words like "quiet" or "no" which can be used whenever the dog barks.

How To Use An Auto Clicker For Dog Training


It is important that you praise your dog whenever they bark and give them a treat afterwards. The fact is that every time they bark you are making a point that they are learning. If you start by only giving treats during times when they are not barking then you will have your pet forever barking without control. Eventually this can lead to obesity. So the rule of thumb is to start using treats for barking and gradually move to constant praising.

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If you wonder how to use an auto Clicker in the case that your dog starts barking erratically, you will find that there is no answer to this question. This again is due to the fact that every dog is different and some bark more than others. In most cases you will need to trial and error to figure out exactly what works best. You will find that some breeds are prone to barking and some are less so.

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Another important point when learning how to use an auto Clicker for dog training is that you should never shout at your dog when they bark. They are far more likely to become confused if you shout at them and will therefore misbehave. If your dog keeps barking at odd times during the day then you may wish to investigate the possibility that they are suffering from separation anxiety. This can be treated by a visit to the vet, who can advise you on what type of dog training would be best for your particular breed of dog.

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The final point to consider when thinking about how to use an auto Clicker for dog training is that it is important that your pet understand why they are barking in the first place. You may find that simply redirecting their barking towards a different area or toy can help. This is especially true if they have learned to bark at a specific sound such as a doorbell or buzzer. If not then you may have to resort to using the clicker. The clicker emits a high-pitched sound when pressed which gives the pet just enough information that they are about to receive a treat. This then stops their barking immediately.


As you can see, learning how to use an auto Clicker for dog training is not as difficult as you might imagine. You will find that if you do your research carefully then there should be no problem and your dog will start to bark much less often. Remember, in dog training your pet should be able to know when they are being rewarded so that they will stop barking in order to receive their treat. In this way, you are providing them with a clear sign that they are doing something right.

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