chinese astrology

Chinese Astrology originated with the Taoist calendar system of calculation and the calendar dates were used to determine important events in human society. The Chinese calendar uses twelve celestial bodies, the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the Mars, Venus, and the Jupiter to form a self-similar system. There are four seasons in this system, the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has twenty-eight days and the longest season is the spring, which is believed to fall on the day of the completion of the lunar cycle or New Year. The Chinese calendar also includes the Lunar Stature, which is the official symbol of China and an important part of their astrological culture and tradition.


Many modern scholars regard the Chinese calendar as a flawed version of the true solar or gravitational time system, but the ancient people clearly observed the effects of celestial bodies on terrestrial matters. They began to notice the effects of the planets, stars, and other heavenly phenomena long before the scientific revolution of the nineteenth century. The chinese astrology originated with the study of the stars as accurately as the Europeans and Americans today, and the concept of the dragon as the most significant of all the celestial beings was well understood. The Chinese astrological system worked on the same basis as our own western astrology.


The Chinese astrology is called "Ma Dzi" or the Five Animals. The Chinese lunar calendar is composed of a house, the person, five elements, and the Moon. The Chinese horoscope has twenty-two animals and the ox, the most significant symbol of the Chinese astrology, appears at the beginning of the second month. The tail of the ox is considered a symbol for the difficulty of starting a new cycle and for the need to wait for the next element to enter. In the south, the Ox goes through the first two checks of the moon.

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When we look at the Chinese horoscope, we see that it consists of the rising and setting of the Sun and the Full Moon. These represent the traditional link between the earth and the heavens. Although the western astrology also has twenty-one signs, it differs from the Chinese astrology in that it only has the element of water. Thus, the Chinese lunar calendar is composed of the tails of the Sun and the full moon.


The main difference between the Chinese astrology and the Western astrology is that in the Chinese calendar there are two phases, not three, and there are no fixed constellations. Each phase has a different meaning. In addition, the Chinese astrology does not use the stars and the planets, as the Western astrology. It does, however, utilize the different parts of the personality, and the different paths of the Moon to determine the individual's mood, temperament, character, disposition, and other such characteristics. Thus, to better understand the Chinese astrological charts, it is useful to know something about the Chinese philosophy.


The basic principles of the Chinese astrology are the same as those of the ancient Egyptians, Indians, and even the Chinese of Japan. It believes that everything is produced from the earth, which is filled with air, water, and the energy known as "Chi". The earth produces its own food, and it is responsible for all forms of matter, whether plant or animal. Everything is made from earth; the sky is just a building that sits above the ground. This view of the universe is very similar to the Analects of the Hindus and of the pagans of the east.


According to the Chinese astrology, each and every person has a definite place in this world, known as the "Fsang-Zi", also known as" heavens and earth". This area, which is located between the eyebrows, represents one's destiny. According to these theories, the direction of one's life and work is determined by the animal guardians known as "Tsang" or "gans" in Chinese astrology. These are the four pillars of the Chinese astrology, the western astrology uses twenty-four celestial animals while the eastern uses forty-eight animals.


There are three important elements found in the Chinese astrology, which are the formation of the earth, the flow of Chi through the body, and the modification of the physical creation. By understanding these elements, the Chinese astrologer can tell one's destiny. One who is born at the correct time is able to understand his destiny, just as long as he is exposed to the proper atmosphere. When one understands the Chinese philosophy, then he can understand the basic theories of Chinese astrology and be able to put these theories to use.

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