The Sos Survive The Storm By: Miguel Lopez De Leon - Book Review

sos survive

"Sos Survive" by Victor Kiam is the first novel I've read by Victor Kiam. Reading about the setting and some of the characters certainly caught my attention. I enjoyed the story and found it to be a fast-paced action tale. However, I did have a few problems with it. I'll go over them with you and hopefully you can see where I'm wrong.


The main character, Alex, was introduced very briefly. I felt as though it wasn't needed. The same goes for the other main characters like Alex's mother, Beth and lawyer, Joseph. I feel that if the characters were more fleshed out, the novel would have been better. However, I didn't feel the need to worry about that one detail because it didn't take up too much of the book.


Another problem I had was with how Alex was described. I really don't know what his appearance is-is he a man or a woman. I will say that in later chapters when things start to get more vivid, I'll try and make it clear.

The Sos Survive the Storm By: Miguel Lopez de Leon - Book Review


And now we come to the part where I wanted to give the novel a higher rating. The cover is way too large and covers too much. It could use a bit of editing and condensing. Other than that, it's a good start. I look forward to reading more from this author.


This isn't your ordinary vampire romance with magic powers and fighting fairies. It's not even your normal teenager going on a mission. It's more of an action adventure with a bit of romance thrown in. It's not that the author didn't try to create a believable setting or a compelling character. It just that it takes a bit more spice and color to write a book like this.


The book's main conflict is a result of Alex's love affair with someone else. He tells Joana about their affair but she doesn't believe him. He then goes on to tell Joana about his plans to marry her and sacrifice himself for the good of the undead.


This scene made me very happy. I liked how suspenseful the book was. The main character, Alex, kept us guessing what his plan was and what he was going to do. Readers should be worried about the effect Alex's death will have on Joana and on their relationship. They're also going to have to wonder if they can trust Alex after everything he says.


I don't know why, but when I finished The sos survive the Storm, I wanted to cry. It wasn't because of the characters, but because of the way the book ended. I wish I hadn't let myself get caught up in the excitement of the story. I look forward to reading more from Brandon Stover. I think he does a great job with this fantasy novel.


At times, The Sos Survive the Storm reads like a page book. The author is able to pack so many characters into a short novel. Each character has their own moment in the spotlight. It's interesting to follow them and learn about their back stories. There're a lot of back and forth dialogue between Alex and Joana.


I also enjoyed the interaction between Alex and Tempe. The two became quite good friends. Tempe had also had a change of heart and believed in Alex's devotion to helping those in need. The two of them worked well together. They even reached the climactic battle of the book.


Overall, The Sos Survive the Storm is a great fantasy book. I enjoyed reading it, although the ending left me a little disappointed. However, once I knew what would happen, I began to enjoy the rest of the book. The next time I read it, I'm bound to pick this one up.


I'm not a huge fantasy fan. However, when I picked The Sos Survive the Storm up, I knew right then and there I had to have it. It's a fast read, with some excellent characters. It was a great ride. For those looking for a fast, action packed fantasy novel, I recommend The Sos Survive the Storm.

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