How To Send Whatsapp Message Without Saving Number

If you are new to the use of whatsapp messenger, then you must be wondering How To Send Whatsapp Message Without Saving Number. You may have been receiving unknown calls or messages from people and trying to know how to send whatsapp message without saving the number. This is a big problem when it comes to using different mobile phone phones for multiple numbers. However, there are ways to do it.

how to send whatsapp message without saving number


First off, you should try a messaging service that does not require you to enter the number you are searching for. It will ask you to insert the number before you can proceed. There are several of these services available. You can search for them in any search engine. Be aware however, that not all messaging services are reliable enough to use in cases like this.


Second, look into the advanced options of your phone. For instance, you can set your phone to vibrate when a message arrives. This will ensure that your friends do not accidentally miss a call. You can also set your phone to send a picture message if you are sending a picture. These are just a few of the advanced settings that you can tweak so that you can receive better results.

How To Send Whatsapp Message Without Saving Number


Third, you can actually use a program on your computer to send the message without saving number. This method is known as "clipboard exchange." The only thing that you need for this method is a program that can read the clipboard that your phone uses. You can download a simple program that will allow you to send images and other files to your friends.

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It is important that you use this program in an undetectable manner. Your best bet would be to set your phone to vibrate whenever there is a message. Then, you can take the image or any other files that you want to transfer to your phone. Once you transfer them, hit send and your friends will receive the messages.

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Fourth, you can use your laptop or desktop computer to send the message. This option is the most complicated but effective since you are able to access your computer from anywhere. Also, your computer will not have to be connected to the internet in order for you to do this. You can easily access your computer as long as you have a Wi-Fi connection. You can even use your cell phone or PDA if you have one because this is a way of messaging that is open to anybody around the world.

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Fifth, you can also download software to your phone which allows you to send a message directly to anyone in the world for free. To do this, you will have to go through some difficult steps. First, you will have to buy the software which is usually around $15 or more. Next, you will have to find an online company where you can get the software and register for it.


Finally, if you do not want to deal with these steps, you can search the internet for a free service. You will only have to provide your mobile phone number that is typed into a search engine. Once you have provided this information, you can then receive SMS messages on your mobile phone anytime. These methods on how to send a message without saving number are very easy and effective.


However, there are those who would prefer to use the traditional ways of how to send a message without saving number. This is because they believe in protecting their numbers. They want to know that if they forget to save a particular number, all their communications would be considered private. This belief has given birth to what is known as a mobile eraser which erases all your previous messages from anywhere in the world.


While this method may work, it does not seem to be very practical. Since text messaging is fast becoming the leading way of communicating with friends and family, it is not surprising why people choose to send a message without saving number. However, there are those who still value their security. If you want to send a message but are worried about the privacy issue, you can choose a completely different method such as SMS broadcast. By sending a short code, you can inform everyone that a specific message is going to be sent from your phone.


However, SMS broadcast requires a mobile phone. Apart from this, there are certain codes that need to be included in order to send the message. If you are a student or an entrepreneur who is interested in using the mobile phone for important business transactions, then this option is something that you should consider. Knowing how to send whatsapp message without saving number ensures that you don't get into trouble while making important business calls.

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