Why Is A Pinellas County Property Appraiser So Important?

pinellas county property appraiser

When considering whether or not to hire a Pinellas County Property Appraiser, you should first know what they are and what they do. A certified appraiser is a licensed and trained professional who is independently qualified to assess the value of a home, boat, land or other property within the county. He/She is fully educated and experienced in residential and commercial property appraisal. Appraisers are required by law to complete an extensive written certification course before qualifying for certification.


Typically when buying or selling a home in Florida a property value appraiser will take into consideration two major factors, the assessed value and the millage rate of the surrounding property. Appraisers base the value of a property on these two components. The millage rate is based on the amount of water and oil that flow through the area each year. The more water and oil the area has the higher the millage rate and the higher the assessed value of the property will be.


Many people believe that the appraiser they choose is solely based on the appraisal and their own knowledge of it. This is not the case. It is very important for property appraisers to have a comprehensive understanding of property taxes. Appraisers are responsible for being fully knowledgeable about both property taxes and how they are structured and collected. In order to have a complete understanding of both these subjects an in-depth knowledge of local governmental affairs is imperative.

Why Is A Pinellas County Property Appraiser So Important?


Most people don't even consider that there may be errors and omissions in property values set forth in the sales documents that they receive from counties and cities. pinellas county property appraisers are required to carefully read these documents and any errors in formatting or anything else included therein is the responsibility of the individual reviewing the documents. The best way to avoid property values that may be inaccurate is to simply ask your real estate agent when getting your appraisal. He or she should also be able to let you know what the likely problem with the value is and give you options if you are concerned.

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Most individuals will never know if the appraisals they receive are actually flawed. If the Pinellas County property appraiser accidentally puts a number on a home that is over or under priced, the person reviewing the appraisal will not know. The Pinellas County Board of Equalization does not require appraisals to be correct, only fair. Therefore, if an appraisal is wrong it will not be noted and you as the customer will never be made aware of it.

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Property appraisals are frequently used by counties and cities in order to determine the market value of a given parcel of land. These appraisals are most often used prior to putting any tax on the piece of property. Appraisers that live in or work in the Pinellas County area can assist in completing this portion of the transaction.

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When it comes to selling or purchasing a piece of Pinellas County real estate property, the county property appraiser is one of the most important individuals. Since there are so many properties on the market, the potential buyers need to know that the value is accurate. Most people that purchase or sell homes in Pinellas County do not have the time to go to all of the different appraisers and find out their estimated value. This is where the pinellas county appraisal comes in handy. It is also very useful if you are going to be financing the purchase or selling a home.


Appraisals can be done either by phone or in person. The number of appraisers is quite large and can depend on where you live. Typically, when you have a larger city, you are going to have more options. For example, there are several in St. Petersburg Florida. However, if you live in or near Tampa Bay, there are several in that area that specialize in Pinellas County property appraisals. You may want to look into some of these appraisers as your next real estate investment.

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